I rarely post articles like these. But this one will hit a spot on some developers. I personally think that arrogance is a dangerous trait for a programmer/developer. I would not want to work with someone who thinks so highly of themselves. If I was to hire a guy for a team; between an inexperienced developer and a guy who claims he has 999 years of experience and thinks that he is Galactus of PHP, then I would pick the first one.
Here is the article from Cal Evans.
Developers are notoriously self-confident in their ability to write code that is better, faster, cleaner and better-smelling than everybody else’s. In today’s environment, however, the focus is on producing immediately useful code—and, given the richness of today’s frameworks, those who eschew them in favour of home-grown solutions are forever running the risk of reinventing the wheel for no good reason. We have enough wheels—start building some cars.
“…Frameworks! I don’t need no stickin’ PHP Frameworks!!!” – anonymous twitterer
It is a good read.
Yeah, you are totally right on this man.
Another thing that it ain’t cool, is working with those developers, that’s pita.
But, a good thing of this, is watching them fail, fall from the highest point of their egos to the rock solid bottom. That’s priceless.