Pet Projects
Monthly Archives: December 2008
Lorem Ipsum. WordPress is teh
A few days ago, I my account was suspended. I am on a shared hosting and get about 300 unique visits a day. That is fairly a small amount of traffic to cause a problem on a shared hosting environment. … Continue reading
This is quoted from the source: Most newcomers to PHP were initially attracted to the language due to its low barrier of entry. After all, adding dynamic data to a web page by using PHP (the current date, for instance) … Continue reading
This time, it is about SQL Antipatterns. http://karwin.blogspot.com/2008/04/sql-antipatterns-slides.html Make sure you download the slide!
This is an old post by Bill Karwin. But nevertheless, a very good read. Waste no time and read the post here. I found this article very enlightening that I decided to add his feed to my list. I know … Continue reading
This is a common problem wherein you dynamically create your DOM elements using jQuery. The $(document).ready(function(){}); would already be initialized — without the newly created DOM. So to go around this issue, I have posted this sample code as reference: … Continue reading
Here is a quick tutorial on DOM traversing using jQuery. I am using class selectors $(‘.classname’) here. <div class="dynamically_created_div"> <input type="button" class="click_button" id="click_button_01" value="Click Me!" /> <input type="hidden" class="hidden_stuff" value="First one!" /> </div> <div class="dynamically_created_div"> <input type="button" class="click_button" id="click_button_02" value="Click … Continue reading
I found this. What is REST? REST is an architectural style, or set of conventions, for web applications and services that centers itself around resource manipulation and the HTTP spec. Web apps have traditionally ignored the HTTP spec and moved … Continue reading
The author does it like this: < script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.6/jquery.min.js">< / script> < script type="text/javascript" > $(document).ready(function() { // This is more like it! }); < / script > A very interesting read. Check it out here.
Not only that the admin side looks wayyyyy better, you can also Upgrade to the latest version automatically. Yep, no more downloading the latest release zip file. You do not have to unzip and choose which directory to upload. All … Continue reading