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Zend Framework: Connecting to 2 databases

I was in a situation that I need to connect to 2 different databases.
I started by putting the additional credentials to login into the second database inside my config file: /application/config/app.ini

database.adapter               = "PDO_MYSQL"
database.params.host           = "localhost"
database.params.dbname         = "Database_A"
database.params.username       = "root"
database.params.password       = "1234"
psdatabase.adapter             = "PDO_MYSQL"
psdatabase.params.host         = "localhost"
psdatabase.params.dbname       = "Database_B"
psdatabase.params.username     = "root"
psdatabase.params.password     = "1234"
[development : production]
database.params.dbname         = "Database_A"
database.params.username       = "root"
database.params.password       = "1234"
psdatabase.params.dbname       = "Database_B"
psdatabase.params.username     = "root"
psdatabase.params.password     = "1234"
[testing : production]
database.params.dbname         = "Database_A"
database.params.username       = "root"
database.params.password       = "1234"
psdatabase.params.dbname       = "Database_B"
psdatabase.params.username     = "root"
psdatabase.params.password     = "1234"

This config file now has 2 sets of database login credentials identified by: database and psdatabase

Now like any other Zend Framework application, we setup the database connection in the bootstrap file. /application/bootstrap.php

//bootstrap code...
$dbAdapter = Zend_Db::factory($configuration->database);
$registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
$registry->configuration = $configuration;
$registry->dbAdapter     = $dbAdapter;
$psdbAdapter = Zend_Db::factory($configuration->psdatabase);
$registry->psdbAdapter   = $psdbAdapter;
//bootstrap code

What we now have 2 database connections stored in the registry. dbAdapter, which is set as the default adapter and psdbAdapter, which we will be calling everytime we need to call manually when we need to use it.

For example, I have these models.

 * Psdump.php
 * /opt/apache2/htdocs/apps/org_v2/application/models/Psdump.php
require_once APPLICATION_PATH.'/models/PsdumpTable.php';
class Psdump extends Zend_Db_Table 
    protected $_table;
    public function getTable()
        if(null === $this->_table) {
            $this->_table = new PsdumpTable;
        return $this->_table;
    public function fetchAllEmployees()
        //return $this->getTable()->fetchActiveEmployees();
        return $this->getTable()->getLatestPSDumpTable();

And this…

 * PsdumpTable
 * /opt/apache2/htdocs/apps/org_v2/application/models/PsdumpTable.php
class PsdumpTable extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract 
    protected $_name = 'psdump';
    protected $_psdb;
    public function init()
        //load the other adapter
        $this->_psdb = Zend_Registry::getInstance('psdbAdapter')->psdbAdapter;
    public function insert(array $data)
        return parent::insert($data);
     * fetch all employees with Status = A
     * @return unknown
    public function fetchActiveEmployees()
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->_name." WHERE Status=".$this->_db->quote('A');
        return $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);
     * We are using the psdb here!!!
     * @return unknown
    public function getLatestPSDumpTable()
        $sql = "SHOW tables";
        return $this->_psdb->fetchAll($sql);
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12 Responses to Zend Framework: Connecting to 2 databases

  1. Wenbert says:

    Yet another post intended for myself :P Comments/suggestions — just leave a reply.

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  3. yakakey says:


  4. PixelMaker says:


    Thanks for sharing this. But how to use joins tables across the databases.

    I will explain, I have table1 in db1 and table2 in db2. How to join table1 and table2 they have ass_id as common field name.

    Thanks in Advance.

  5. Wenbert says:

    Hmmm. I do not know the recommended way to do it but the way would be something like this (the dirty way):

    $sql = "SELECT a.*, b.* FROM database1.table1 a 
    LEFT JOIN database2.table2 b ON b.id=a.ass_id
    WHERE a.status=".$this->_db->quote('A');
    return $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);

    It is basically just a table join between two tables. The SQL output would be something like:

    SELECT a.*, b.* 
    FROM database1.table1 a 
    LEFT JOIN database2.table2 b ON b.id=a.ass_id 
    WHERE a.STATUS = "A"
  6. I follow your website for quite a extended time and should tell that your articles usually prove to be of a high value and high quality for readers.

  7. Pingback: Connect to Multiple Databases with Zend Framework | Made of Everything You're Not | Eric Lamb

  8. hamza says:

    extramly ugly framework for newbie
    really hate to use it.
    incomplete details with less guidance from people.

  9. hamza says:

    your bootstrip code is showing error

    we need to place your code in between class or outwsdie atleast provide proper deatils
    newbiew can not read your mind.

    class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap

  10. Wenbert says:

    @hamza, yes ZF has a very steep learning curve. Have you tried Code Igniter? It is also quite a good framework.

  11. Francis says:

    Hi everyone! I think you have a little mistake here:

    public function fetchActiveEmployees()
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->_name." WHERE Status=".$this->_db->quote('A');
    return $this->_db->fetchAll($sql);

    you shoul use

    public function fetchActiveEmployees()
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->_name." WHERE Status=".$this->_psdb->quote('A');
    return $this->_psdb->fetchAll($sql);

  12. Utterly indited written content, Really enjoyed examining.

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