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Mixing PHP Variables with Javascript (Zend Framework and jQuery)

Sometimes, I “mix” PHP variables with Javascript. For example, I have something like this:

function deletenote(notes_id) 
    if(!confirm("Delete note? You will not be able to undo this action."))
        return false;
    $.post("< ?=$this->baseUrl?>/notes/deletenote",{ 
        skeedl_notes_id: notes_id
    }, function(data){

Note the $this->baseUrl, I need it like that. The thing is, I have that code in my view file (.phtml – in Zend Framework, this is parsed like a normal PHP file). If I remove all the Javascript in my view file and place it in a .js file, the $this->baseUrl will not be parsed. To go around this, I create a hidden input element in my view file with $this->baseUrl echoed as the value. Like this:

// ... in my .phtml file ...
// rest of the php and html code goes here
< input type="hidden" id="base_url" value="<?=$this->baseUrl?>" />
// rest of the php and html code goes here

Then in my .js file (assuming that you have already included this file in your header, or somewhere else), I have something like this:

//This is using jQuery, but you can use document.getElementById('base_url').value if you like
function deletenote(notes_id) 
    if(!confirm("Delete note? You will not be able to undo this action."))
        return false;
        skeedl_notes_id: notes_id
    }, function(data){

What it does is that jQuery gets the value of the hidden form element. The value of this hidden form element is from a PHP Variable.

So there you go, nothing special. Just something that works and I just wanted to share.

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7 Responses to Mixing PHP Variables with Javascript (Zend Framework and jQuery)

  1. Peter C says:

    Thanks for your tip!
    I also move lots of PHP data (HTML really) to JS by using in the :
    echo ‘var myhtml=’.$HTML.’;';
    Further in JavaScript you can use the myhtml variable.
    To be successful, be careful of quotes in $HTML (str_repl them with un backslash.

  2. Peter C says:

    In the previous post, you have to add script tags to the echo’ed variable.
    This was removed by the system, sorry.

  3. Mr B says:

    Thank you, this was a big problem I was having and you’ve just solved it for me!
    All my AJAX requests within Zend work great now.
    Instead of using a hidden field, I simply declared it in my page head as a Javascript variable.

  4. Wenbert says:

    @Mr B, thanks. Yes, sometimes declaring a variable in Head tag works better if the variable is required to “exist” throughout the application.

    //js tag…
    jsVar = “< ?=$this->baseUrl ? >”;
    //close js tag…
    //close head

    would also work…

  5. Roshna says:

    it is working if we define

    var baseUrl = baseUrl()?>

    and this variable will be available in js file like

    url: baseUrl+”/notes/deletenote”,

  6. joey says:

    Thanks for this post.

    By the way, how can i call this from a button created using zend form element?

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