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What is the safest way to do database queries in Zend Framework?

I have no idea. You tell me. All I do is this:

$sql = "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE id='".$target_id."'";  /*That is $target_id inside single-quotes in the SQL Query.*/

Please share your thoughts below.

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9 Responses to What is the safest way to do database queries in Zend Framework?

  1. Roman Nestertsov says:

    I prefer to use following thing:
    $sql = $db->quoteInto(“SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE id = ?”, $target_id);

    Btw, source where you can read about quoting in Zend_Db: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.db.html#zend.db.adapter.quoting

  2. Wenbert says:

    Thanks Roman, appreciate the reply.
    just to clarify,
    $db = Zend_Registry::get(‘dbAdapter’);
    $sql = $db->quoteInto(”SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE id = ?”, $target_id);
    is that correct?
    what about if i had 2 conditions in the WHERE part of the query? how would i do that using the quoteInto()?

  3. Roman Nestertsov says:

    If you need several conditions to quote you can use following schema:
    $sql = ‘SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE id = ‘.$db->quote($target_id).’ AND param2 = ‘.$db->quote($param2);

    Read the link that i wrote above, all this things are described there

  4. Wenbert says:

    Awesome. Thanks a lot Roman :-)

  5. Erik says:

    You can also build the query using Zend_Db_Select

    $select = $db->select()->
    from(‘Table1′, ‘*’)->
    where(‘id = ?’, $id)->
    where(‘url = ?’, $url);

    $row = $db->fetchRow($select);

  6. Wenbert says:

    Ah nice!
    I have read about the query builder, but somehow, i never got the chance to use it because i couldn’t understand it on the ZF manual.

    It is time-consuming for me to make a long query and convert it using the query builder. I have always been comfortable with the more traditional sql queries – sadly i grew up with PhpMyAdmin and sometimes, i do queries with it – then copy-paste-edit the query.

    so a more complete example of the query builder would be something like this?

    $db = Zend_Registry::get(’dbAdapter’);

    $select = $db->select()->
    from(’Table1′, ‘*’)->
    where(’id = ?’, $id)->
    where(’url = ?’, $url);

    $row = $db->fetchRow($select);

    Thanks for all of your responses guys. Really appreciate all of them.

  7. Erik says:

    > sadly i grew up with PhpMyAdmin and sometimes,
    > i do queries with it – then copy-paste-edit
    > the query.

    I do the same thing sometimes, only recently have I tried to convert my SQL queries to the query builder. :)

    > so a more complete example of the query
    > builder would be something like this?

    Yeah, that works fine in my tests.

  8. Roman Nestertsov says:

    Query builder is a good solution if you a planning to use different databases. In this case Zend_Db class takes care about different notations in the SQL syntax depending on choosing database.

  9. Wenbert says:

    > I do the same thing sometimes, only recently
    > have I tried to convert my SQL queries to the
    > query builder.

    hehe it’s good know i’m not alone ;-)

    > Zend_Db class takes care about different
    > notations in the SQL syntax depending on
    > choosing database

    What about if my queries had “variables” and “conditions” in the SELECT part.
    Like: @ekini:=COALESC(t.field1,t.field2)
    Would that be possible in the query? (I’m not sure if i got that right, and I’m not if it only is possible in MySQL.)

    I’m going to read more on the query builder to find out what limitations do I get compared to not using it.

    And I’m assuming that the query builder is slower? And is just safer than making queries yourself in case you need to switch databases?

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