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MyLyricsFinder.com: Caching MySQL Queries

It is Saturday night and it is raining like it hasn’t rained in weeks. So I decided to spend the night to work on my pet project: MyLyricsFinder.com.

It uses the Zend Framework. The latest addition tonight is Zend_Cache. I added the Top 10 Songs and Artist list in the frontpage – so caching it would make sense. Without the cache, every user that will visit the site will have to query the database. Getting the top 10 list from 200K+ rows is pretty heavy on the resources. Not to mention the overhead it will cause on the user’s side. So I came up with the code below:

//this code snippet is part of my indexAction() in my IndexController
//for the cache
$frontendOptions = array();
$frontendOptions['lifetime'] = 3600;
$frontendOptions['automatic_serialization'] = true;$backendOptions = array();
$backendOptions['cache_dir'] = Zend_Registry::get('cache_dir');
// getting a Zend_Cache_Core object
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions);
// see if a cache already exists:
if(!$result_pop_songs = $cache->load('pop_songs')) {
    //get most popular songs
    $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter');
    $sql = 'SELECT
            FROM songs_table s
            LEFT JOIN album_table al ON s.album_id=al.album_id
            LEFT JOIN artist_table at ON al.artist_id=at.artist_id
            WHERE s.song_counter>0 ORDER BY s.song_counter DESC LIMIT 10';
    $this->view->pop_songs = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($sql);
    $cache->save($this->view->pop_songs, 'pop_songs');
} else {
    // cache hit! shout so that we know
    //echo "This one is from cache!nn";
    $this->view->pop_songs = $result_pop_songs;

In addition to the Top 10 List in the frontpage, I have also cached the list of Artist per Letter and the List of Albums per Artist. I have reduced the number of database requests significantly – although I don’t know how much – I can tell the difference in load time with and without the cache.

Code Walkthough

$frontendOptions = array();
$frontendOptions['lifetime'] = 3600;
$frontendOptions['automatic_serialization'] = true;
$backendOptions = array();
$backendOptions['cache_dir'] = Zend_Registry::get('cache_dir');
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions);

This part of the code sets up the Zend_Cache. Most likely, yours will be similar to this. Except for the line with the get(‘cache_dir’). I have set up Zend_Registry::get(‘cache_dir’) in my Bootstrap file to “../tmp/”

if(!$result_pop_songs = $cache->load('pop_songs')) {

The line above checks if a cache for ‘pop_songs’ already exists. If not, then it will query the database with the code below:

$dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter');
    $sql = 'SELECT
            FROM songs_table s
            LEFT JOIN album_table al ON s.album_id=al.album_id
            LEFT JOIN artist_table at ON al.artist_id=at.artist_id
            WHERE s.song_counter>0 ORDER BY s.song_counter DESC LIMIT 10';
    $this->view->pop_songs = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($sql);
    $cache->save($this->view->pop_songs, 'pop_songs');

The last line will save the query into the cache. So the next time a user will come, the ‘pop_songs’ cache will already exist in the cache and the code below is executed:

$this->view->pop_songs = $result_pop_songs;
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