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PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby On Rails Job Comparison

Like the author, I don’t know Ruby on Rails. But I have been hearing about it a lot for the past few months. Recently, I had a discussion with a friend about the beauty of RoR – How fast development time could be and other niffty features included in RoR. I wanted to dive into it (RoR) but the article is giving me seconds thoughts.

I don’t do RoR….yet, I hear the good things about it so I’m really close into diving into it. Before I do I want to make sure RoR is going to be something I can use professionally too. Here is a 30 minute research into the jobs out there for RoR compared to Asp.Net & PHP. I searched for the phrases “Ruby on Rails”, “PHP”, “ASP.NET” and radius of 100 miles from the zip code. There is no doubt some overlap of job posting but this is pretty clear indication of where things are.

You should read the whole article.

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