US magazine PC Gamer have gotten access to EA’s upcoming PC title Command and Conquer 3. Here are some choice screens of the game which have been photographed from the article in the magazine.
According to the PC Gamer article the story behind this game revolves around the world been thrown into chaos due to the spread of Tiberium. As a result 20% of the Earth’s surface has become Tiberium-infested and is now inhospitable (these areas are Red Zones). Tiberium hasn’t fully taken hold of 50% of the Earth (these areas are Yellow Zones) and the rest of the Earth is more or less safe (these areas are called Blue/Green zones) this area is also where the GDI is headquartered. The GDI is trying to prevent the spread of Tiberium and convert the Yellow Zones to Blue Zones. The only other information the article give us it that the game will use the SAGE engine (from C&C Generals) but it will be heavily modified. It also says Kane will be returning and Live-action scenes will be making a comeback to the C&Cverse .