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Using Vim like an IDE

I have been looking for a good and lightweight text editor for some time already. I have tried Notepad++, SciTE and others but was not satisfied with any. Although I have been using Vi and Vim to edit files on my server I have never actually tried to use it as a “local” text editor. This is the first time I have taken a deeper look at Vim. So here goes…

You can download Vim here: http://www.vim.org/. After that download these plugins:

I am using Ubuntu, so I created a .vim folder inside my home directory. The directory structure is something like this:


Follow the installation instructions for the plugins after you download and extract them.

Here my .vimrc file can be found here.

How I use my vim

  1. I open Vim
  2. I issue this command “:NERDTree bookmark_name” (note: you must have an existing NERDTree Bookmark — see NERDTree docs on how to do this)
  3. I use NERDTree to browse and open the files.
  4. To close a buffer, I just use CTRL+W. The CTRL+W is mapped to :Bclose which closes the buffer without closing the window.
  5. I use CTRL+Arrowkeys to switch between the Bufexplorer, NERDTree and the current file I am editting.
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2 Responses to Using Vim like an IDE

  1. Dievs says:

    OMG. This is suicide.
    Did u tried to use gedit?

  2. Wenbert says:

    Suicide? I don’t think so. I am looking for something that runs in both the GUI and the terminal.

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