A web developer's blog. PHP, MySQL, CakePHP, Zend Framework, Wordpress, Code Igniter, Django, Python, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Knockout.js, and other web development topics.

Monthly Archives: April 2009

Zend Framework 1.8 Preview Release

It is probably all over the news now. Matthew just announced that ZF1.8 Preview Release over at twitter then at his blog. I am excited to test out Zend_Tool — probably in a few weeks time since I have new … Continue reading

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New theme for the blog.

Blog theme updated. I found this Modicus Theme and thought that it looked good. I will be putting up a logo on the blog. I have lost the source file for this.

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Repost: How to layer decorators

Seems like Matthew is bored or is tired of all the questions he gets asked regarding Zend_Forms. A few days ago, he was posted this and now he has this: You may have noticed in the previous installment that the … Continue reading

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The simplest Zend_Form decoration by Matthew Weier O’Phinney

This is a re-port from Matthew’s post. I have not read it yet but the title says it all.

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