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Zend Framework: A simple Zend_Rest_Server example

A few days back I thought of implementing a RESTful web service. I did not have any idea on how to implement one. So I searched online and found this post. Based on astrumfutura’s post, I created my own “simplified” version of it.

Before anything else, I want to point out that I access the XML generated by Zend_Rest_Server using the following URL:


Soon, I will be able to make something like this:


And get the manager of the employee using the ID.

Then I would get an XML page that would look like this:

<emprestserver generator="zend" version="1.0"><getbyid>
    <emp_lname>Del Rosario</emp_lname>
    <emp_mname />

Assuming that you already have a working ZF application on hand, create a new controller named “api”.

< ?php
 * /application/controllers/ApiController.php
 * ApiController
 * This will contain all the API stuff you want for your application
class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
     * @var Zend_Rest_Server
    protected $_server;
    public function init()
        $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); //disable Layouts for this controller
    public function indexAction()
        $this->_redirect('/'); //for anything other than a call to service/params redirect to indexControlller :P
    public function empAction()
        $params = $this->_getAllParams();
        $param_keys = array_keys($params);
        $filter_params = $params; //need to filter this
        $param_keys_uc = array();
        foreach($param_keys AS $key) {
            $param_keys_uc[] = ucfirst($key);
        $methodname = "getBy".implode('',$param_keys_uc);
        $request = array('method' => $methodname);
        foreach($param_keys AS $key) {
            $request[$key] = $filter_params[$key]; //need to filter key
            //need better checking
            if(!$request[$key]) {
                throw new Exception($request[$key].' contained invalid data.');
        require_once 'EmprestServer.php';
        $server = new Zend_Rest_Server();

Then the EmprestServer Class would look something like this:

< ?php
 * /application/controllers/EmprestServer.php
 * Employee Rest Server
 * I decided to put this beside the other controllers because I thought
 * this would "act" like a controller.
 * I plan to add more methods after this and I want it to be a part of
 * my entire application.
//I am using the Employee Model for easier access to the database
require_once APPLICATION_PATH.'/models/Employee.php'; 
class EmprestServer
     * /api/emp/id/1124921
     * @param unknown_type $emp_id
     * @return unknown
    public function getById($id)
        return $this->getData(array('id'=>$id));
    public function getByShortname($shortname)
        return $this->getData(array('shortname'=>$shortname))->toArray();
    private function getData(array $params)
        $emp = new Employee();
        $data = array();
        foreach($params AS $key=>$value) {
            if($key=='id') {
                //getEmployeeById($value) is a method in my Employee Model
                if(!$data = $emp->getEmployeeById($value)) throw new Exception('Employee ID not found.');
            $data = $data->toArray();
        return $data;

Note that the code still has a long way to go (filtering, etc). But with that, I was able to have a RESTful server up and running — with one method at the moment.

If you are looking for more information using Zend Framework, I want to reiterate that I based this post on this post.

Comments / suggestions are welcomed and encouraged!

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One Response to Zend Framework: A simple Zend_Rest_Server example

  1. Pingback: Zend Framework: Handling custom XML reponses using Zend_Rest_Server | eKini: Web Developer Blog

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