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SVN: Revert to a previous revision after a wrong update

Let’s say for example you accidentally ran “svn update” and your working copy got the updates that it shouldn’t have — unfinished patches, etc.

What you should do is check the logs using:

svn log | more

Look for the revision number then:

svn up -r 1234

*where 1234 is the previous revision number you want to go back to.

Another reason why you should properly put comments when commiting to your repository.

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6 Responses to SVN: Revert to a previous revision after a wrong update

  1. Shaun says:

    That’s Microsoft doing its hostel Take over!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Good site thank you
    Good proxy list


  3. nobody says:

    thanks a lot. :)

  4. SVNCommands says:

    Great list thanks :)

  5. linuxrawkstar says:


  6. Pinoy Movie says:

    thanks man… helps a lot to me…

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