I kept getting this error:
pear list-all File http://pear.php.net:80/rest/c/categories.xml not valid (received: HTTP/1.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required )
The error was because my proxy required an authentication. To use PEAR behind a proxy that requires authentication use this:
pear config-set http_proxy http://username:password@yourproxy:80
You can change 80 to the port of your proxy.
Pingback: Blog » Using PEAR behind a proxy server that requires authentication
Thank you for google that I found your site and this page! You save my time with PEAR.
Thank you for leaving a comment Alex ^_^
Oh yeah
Thanks !
Thanks, always good to type ‘tool authenticated proxy’ and get the answer in 10 seconds
Thank you very much for your help!
I had the same problem and found your blog via google.
Greetings from Berlin/Germany!
Also, if your password contains a pipe character “|” you will have to enclose the entire proxy url in quotes (ie: “http://user:th|s@proxyserver:80″)
just wondering if there’s a way we can set this up by editing pear.bat (for Windows)… would it be something like:
SET http_proxy=”http://proxy.somewhere.net”
- or does this just not work?
Hi Tom, I have not tried doing this in Windows. At work, I use Windows, but I have PHP and the rest of the stuff in a *nix box.
Thanks a LOT dude!
But how can we do when the username contains an arobase ?
i think you can enclose the username in double quotes. my username contains the @-sign and i am able to use pear behind a proxy
Like this
pear config-set http_proxy http://“myusername@myfai”:mypass@myproxy:8080 ?
That doesn’t run !
try pear config-set http_proxy “http://myusername@myfai”:mypass@myproxy:8080
Bad news !
Connection to `myfai:mypass@myproxy:8080′ failed:
Just wanted to thank you for a really good post. I found it quite useful and will check your site often.
Thank’s. Worked perfectly for me
Hello from Russia
Hello from South Africa. This was very helpfull even though mine only worked when I changed the … http_proxy http://username… to pear … http_proxy http://username…
Pingback: Habilitando proxy no PEAR (Windows) | Lincoln Brito
This was very helpful!! Thanx!
Thanks for the clear example on how to resolve this.