I accidentally stumbled on this article found at Agile AJAX. It talks about float-clearing, getting containers to honor the height of floated elements inside of them.
Here is a sample CSS code:
/* float clearing for IE6 */ * html #container, * html .classThatNeedsToBeCleared, * html div.anotherClassThatNeedsToBeCleared, * html #someDiv .someClass .yetAnotherClassThatNeedsToBeCleared{ height: 1%; overflow: visible; } /* float clearing for IE7 */ *+html #container, *+html .classThatNeedsToBeCleared, *+html div.anotherClassThatNeedsToBeCleared, *+html #someDiv .someClass .yetAnotherClassThatNeedsToBeCleared{ min-height: 1%; } /* float clearing for everyone else */ #container:after, .classThatNeedsToBeCleared:after, div.anotherClassThatNeedsToBeCleared:after, #someDiv .someClass .yetAnotherClassThatNeedsToBeCleared:after{ clear: both; content: "."; display: block; height: 0; visibility: hidden; } <div id="container"> < div id="rail" style="float: left;"> < div id="content" style="float: left;"> </div> |
Click here for the entire post.