Here is an interesting article from Laughingmeme.
Here we can see the default constructor sets both the time and a timezone — correctly, for the moment, identifying my timezone as America/New_York. That’s somewhat contentious behaviour, some people will tell you that dates with unspecified timezones should either be in UTC or be “floating”, divorced from any timezone. Why? At least in part because across platforms and boxes timezone guessing is going to be non-deterministic — the script that worked when you ran it locally on your Mac laptop in New York, might fail on your ISP’s servers. You get a hint of this reading over the timezone guessing rules on date_default_timezone_get. There is also the fact that I’m currently moving at about 400mph and will be in a different timezone real soon now. However you can set the default to something reasonable in a script, or in the php.ini. (consider this my recommendation)
Here is the complete article.