I have been figuring out the Zend Framework for the last couple of weeks. I started out using Akrabat.com’s Tutorial but lately, after the release of the production version of ZF, I started using the quickstart from their manual. With the help of SpotSec and Nanaue in #zftalk (irc.freenode.net), I was able to come up with the “barebones” using the Modular Directory Structure. You can download the directory structure file here. Just untar inside your htdocs or public_html and direct your browser to something like: http://localhost/zend_quickstart/html. Assuming that you ready to run Zend Framework, that means you will need Apache, PHP5, PDO and the likes – just head over to their FAQ to find out more about the prerequisites.
Although the download is far complete, it contains a simple bootstrap file, basic examples of controllers and views, and a simple helper.
While you’re at it, go to Ekini Wiki – nothing much as of now, but I am using it to document everything.
More details on the Zend Framework Modular Directory Structure go here.
the download doesnt work!!!