i used to have 4 machines running windows on some cheap hardware. then a few weeks ago, each one started to DIE! pfffffft… harddisk failure, RAM, motherboard, the OS…. i went like, backup PC1 files to PC2 then PC2 broke. so i backed up on PC3 and then PC3 broke… who would not get pissed off?
i lost a lot of VERY valuable time and money fixing the machines and backing up my data…. hopefully, if all goes well, my 17″ macbook will arrive from hongkong within nextweek… it will be about 20K cheaper in Hongkong….
Pet Projects
w00t! dale just texted me at around 3am today to inform that my 17inch *ahem* notebook is here!!! heheee,…. i will be getting my macbook tonight… excited! im going early to work so that i can get out at around 530-6PM