Here is what I stumbled on today:
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It’s a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.
I clicked through the samples and I was like WTF… It is cool enough to download and do tests on your own personal site *cough* if you find time. This will be probably one of the best stumbles for the night.
A photography site. I appreciate all photographs. I think they are one of the best things in this world — next to beer .
Wow! Nice site, nice art, nice background tune (too bad I could not turn it off though, I am listening to my Pearl Jam). It is a collection of wallpapers, artwork and other stuff by a guy named Mikael.
Well that is it for tonight. I shall post more sites. I hope you like them. Good night!