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Tag Archives: PHP

Zend Framework: Making the Built-in Breadcrumb Helper Work

In the latest release of Zend Framework (1.8.1 as of this writing), there is a new built-in view helper to render your breadcrumb needs. There is a section in the documentation that tells us how to use it. But I … Continue reading

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Re-post: Embedding PHP In CSS

This is a re-post from this article. A few years back, I was looking for a way to embed PHP variables in a CSS file. Anyway, the author did it like this: <link href="style.php" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" /> And the CSS … Continue reading

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Repost: UTF-8, PHP and MySQL

This is a repost from Akrabat.com The Problem:Get a £ (that is the pound sign) character stored to MySQL, retrieved and then displayed without any weird characters in front of it using UTF8. //for the browser//header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8");//OR////then for MySQLmysql_set_charset(‘utf8′);//ormysqli_set_charset(‘utf8′);//or … Continue reading

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PHP: Various ways of sending email

This is quoted from the source: Most newcomers to PHP were initially attracted to the language due to its low barrier of entry. After all, adding dynamic data to a web page by using PHP (the current date, for instance) … Continue reading

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PHP: RESTful Tips

I found this. What is REST? REST is an architectural style, or set of conventions, for web applications and services that centers itself around resource manipulation and the HTTP spec. Web apps have traditionally ignored the HTTP spec and moved … Continue reading

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Zend Framework 1.7.0 Released!

A lot of additions. Including something from jQuery (the Javascript framework that saves lives). Here is a quote from Zend’s official statement. Zend Framework 1.7.0 is now available from the Zend Framework download site: http://framework.zend.com/download/latest This release introduces many new … Continue reading

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ZF Quickstart Downloadable – Copy to your htdocs and then run it

Download the file. Untar, put in your htdocs folder (/var/www/zf_working) and the your should be able to run Zend Framework using: http://localhost/zf_working I have tested this in two machines only I changed some paths in the bootstrap files from the … Continue reading

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Using Yahoo’s API to convert currencies with PHP

I have been looking around Yahoo Developer Network for this but found nothing relating to using the Currency Converter API. You can make something similar to convert any currency to another currency using the Yahoo! database! Here is what I … Continue reading

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Code Igniter: Resize image and save to database; Generate thumbnails

Probably my first Code Igniter tutorial. This one shows you how you can save an image to a database. But before saving that image to a blob field, the image is re-sized first. This behavior is similar to Friendster’s image … Continue reading

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Importing from Huge CSV Files to MySQL Database and more…

The scenario: I am given a huge CSV File dumped thru FTP from some big JDE-ish system everyday. The CSV File is about 15MB or so. The file has around 60,000 lines in it. What I needed to do is … Continue reading

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