I am planning to get an ASUS EEE. I really love the size. It’s just what I wanted. But I have doubts with the size of the drive. Is 4Gig enough? With the OS installed (let’s say Windows XP or Ubuntu), how much space do I have left? If I will have 2Gig left, then that would be too small for me
Now for the the RAM, 512MB is okay? I’m not very patient when working. I want everything to be snappy. Is upgrading the RAM to 1Gig worth it?
ASUS EEE PC is really good product as for me (and it was first in this class), but I think new HP pc will be better. You can read about it here – http://apcmag.com/8342/hp_preps_eee_pc_killer.
And after that you can choose what is better.
Thanks for your inputs Roman. The HP EEE PC killer is definitely tempting. However, I just saw my brother looking at this: http://www.engadget.com/photos/hands-on-with-the-new-9-inch-eee-pc/
I am not sure if it has already been released (I am not very up-to-date with the latest gadgets), but I am drooling over it. If the price is right, then the new 9-inch EEE PC will kick ass.
Roman, do you have an EEE PC? Did you get the 8G or the 4G drive? How much space do you have left with the OS installed? How much RAM did you get?
I have no EEE PC My friend have. And all that i can say that there are 8Gb drive and 512 RAM. Operation System (Linux) takes about 2 GB disk space, with all needed applications for work (for him). So I think free space will be enough for others things. But as we know – the hdd space always not enough About RAM – it have 512Mb, and I can say that it’s not enough for comfortable work, so I strongly recommend to upgrade RAM to 1GB. Another thing – I don’t like keyboard, it’s very small and as result not very usable (but maybe just more practive needed ).
P.S.: I was mistaken in the previous post. Has written that 8Gb a hard disk, indeed it has 4Gb. So after all applications (OS + all needed programs) was installed – we have about 2Gb free space.
Thank you for your comments Romanov. I have been going to the malls looking for an EEE PC. But I could not find one. It is selling like crazy here in the Philippines. No stocks until a couple of weeks I want to try it – test out the keyboard. I am not a big guy so probably the keyboard will do just fine – but still I want to test it out.
The comments about the 4G space and 512RAM is indeed very useful :). I am going to get the 8G and 1G ram instead.
I am also looking at other alternatives. The store sales lady said that I should wait for a month because Neo will be releasing something like the EEE PC – and will be probably better. Neo website here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&rlz=1B2GGGL_enPH206PH206&q=neo+laptop+&btnG=Search
also, did your friend install Apache + MySQL on his EEE PC?
My friend is also Web Developer so following application is stalled on his EEE PC:
- Apache 2.2.6
- MySQL 5.0.45
- PostgreSQL 8.2.5
- PHP 5.2.4
Thanks Roman. Very useful info. I think I am going to get one soon – when the stocks in the local malls arrive…